Background: Medical Study Program is one of the most interesting study program in FKIK UMY. The high level of interests each year pushes the study program to raise new student input standards. Selections used during the admission process are: science test, psychological test (Academic Potential Test and MMPI), health test, and interview test. The academic potential test is a test used to measure the academic ability of a person in general can also be said this test is capable of measuring a person's intelligence level. Student assessment in medicine program are important parts of educational process . One of eight assessments used in medicine program undergraduate education is a tutorial mini quiz using MCQ (multiple choice questions). Mini quiz is an evaluation form to assess student learning outcomes. There are two factors that affect the learning outcomes, internal factors and external factors. The internal factors consist of physical and psychological factors. The external factors comes from around the student, such as family and school.
Objectives: To know the relationship of academic potential test score with the result of mini quiz score on the medical student of FKIK UMY.
Method: Design of analytic observational research using cross sectional approach. Population in this research is all student of medicine program FKIK 2018 with total numbers of 150 students. Research subject take by saturate sampling technique. Sample counts of 97 people form through inclusion and exclusion process.
Result: The significance value of the verbal value and the mini quiz value is 0.573. The significance value of the numeric value with the Mini quiz value is 0.578. The significance value of the spatial value with the mini quiz value is 0.184. The significance value of the total academic potential test value with the value of mini quiz is 0.555. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between the verbal, numerical, spatial, and overall value of the academic potential test subtest with the value of mini quiz.