This research aims to study the interpretation of jaza’ (rewards and punishment)
according to the perspective of Ahmad Mustafa al-Maragi in Tafsir Al-Maragi (Al-
Maragi Interpretation). This research also aims to analyze the relevance of jaza’ to
education according to the perspective of Tafsir Al-Maragi.
The approach of this research was qualitative with library research type. The
main sources included primary and secondary data. The primary data used was the
book of Tafsir Al-Maragi written by Ahmad Mustafa al-Maragi, whereas the secondary
data was the book of Al-Mu’jam Al Mufahras Li Alfazi Al-Qur’an an Al-Karim. The
sources were used to compile verses which have similar theme to the al-Qur’an, Tafsir
Al-Azhar, Tafsir al-Qur’anu al-zim, Ilmu Pendidikan Teoretis dan Praktis (Theoretical
and Practical Education), Pengantar Metodik Dedaktic (Introduction to Deducted
Methodic), zekr application, online KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia/the Great
Dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia), Lidwa Pustaka, as well as other scientific works
related to the main theme. These data were collected through documentation method,
and then were analyzed using analytical descriptive method.
The research result shows that there are 43 verses discussing jaza’ in the al-
Qur’an. However, there are many other verses explaining retaliation, as stated in
several words, such as tsawab, ajrun, iqab and azab. Jaza’, in Tafsir Al-Maragi, is the
retaliation against what human beings have done on earth. The retaliation shall be given
righteously and containing motivation value so that human beings can be the better
ones. Jaza’, according to the perspective of Tafsir al-Maragi, is very relevant to be
applied in education. Jaza’ will give influence and motivation to students in order to
be better as long as the application is accurate and not deviating al-Qur’an and hadits.
Jaza’ is also known in one of learning theories, which is behavioristic theory, a theory
that emphasizes on the establishment of behavioral changes via stimulus-response
relationship. Jaza’ works as the stimulus, by which the students shall give responses
through the actualization of their behavioral changes.