dc.contributor.advisor | RAHMANTO, MUKHLIS | |
dc.contributor.author | SARI, HILDA PURNAMA | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2016-10-27T06:23:18Z | |
dc.date.available | 2016-10-27T06:23:18Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2016-06-21 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/5426 | |
dc.description | Dalam dunia perdagangan, Islam menganjurkan agar nilai etika dijunjung
tinggi dalam kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, Al-Quran secara jelas dan tegas telah
menggariskan seperangkat sistem nilai dan moral untuk mengatur dan
memperlancar lalu lintas jalannya perekonomian dan bisnis manusia. Di era
globalisasi sekarang ini, membawa pelaku bisnis jarang bahkan tidak lagi
memperhatikan etika dalam berbisnis, padahal setiap pelaku bisnis harus
bertanggung jawab terhadap produk yang dihasilkan atau yang diperjualbelikan
kepada konsumen. Hal ini didasarkan karena mengingat lemahnya kedudukan
konsumen yang sering menjadi obyek dalam aktivitas bisnis bagi para pelaku
usaha yang mengharapkan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya dibanding kedudukan
pelaku bisnis yang relatif lebih kuat dalam banyak hal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui praktek/aplikasi pemberlakuan
member card dalam transaksi jual beli di toko Baitul Muslim Assidiq Yogyakarta
dan mengetahui tinjauan etika bisnis Islam dan UU perlindungan konsumen
terhadap pemberlakuan member card tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah
penelitian kualitatif dengan sifat penelitian yaitu deskriptif analitik, yaitu
mendeskripsikan praktik/aplikasi pemberlakuan member card dalam transaksi jual
beli di toko Baitul Muslim Assidiq Yogyakarta, kemudian ditinjau dari sudut
pandang etika bisnis Islam dan Undang- Undang perlindungan konsumen.
Dari hasil penelitian penulis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa fasilitas-fasilitas
yang ada dalam member card sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan dan aturan yang
membolehkan pemberlakuannya. Dijelaskan oleh para ulama kontemporer,
dimana kedua belah pihak saling menguntungkan dan tidak ada yang dirugikan,
hal ini berdasarkan pada prakteknya bahwa tidak dikenakan biaya administrasi
dalam memperoleh member card tersebut. Penggunaan member card juga tidak
dibatasi oleh jangka waktu tertentu sehingga konsumen tidak mengalami
kerugian. Pemberlakuan member card di toko Baitul Muslim Assidiq Yogyakarta
juga sudah sesuai dengan etika bisnis Islam dan UU perlindungan konsumen
yaitu, jual beli dilakukan dengan transparan, serta tidak adanya kerugian antara
salah satu pihak. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | In the trading world, Islam commands that ethical value is prioritized in
life. Therefore, Al-Qur’an has clearly and firmly set values and moral system to
manage and facilitate the running of economy and business traffic of human. In
this globalization era nowadays, business people rarely even do not pay attention
any more to business ethics, whereas on the contrary each business person has to
be responsible for the product they produce or trade to the consumers. This matter
is based on considering the weakness of the consumer position that often becomes
the object in the business activity for the business people that expect maximum
profit compared to the position of the business people that is relatively stronger in
many things.
This research aims at finding out the practice/application of member card
on the trading transaction in Yogyakarta Baitul Muslim Assidiq store and find out
the objective of Islamic business ethics and the regulations of consumer protection
towards the application of the member card. The type of this research is
qualitative research that is descriptive analytical that describes the
practice/application of member card on the trading transaction in Yogyakarta
Baitul Muslim Assidiq store, that is then observed from the perspective of Islamic
business ethics and the regulations of consumer protection.
From the result of the writer’s research, it can be concluded that the
facilities provided in the member card are already appropriate with the provisions
and regulations that allow the application of it. It is explained by contemporary
ulamas (religious leaders), that when both sides give benefit to each other and no
one loses in the application of member card, therefore the transaction is
appropriate with the provisions and regulations. In the practice, there is no charge
in getting the member card and expiry date so that the consumers do not
experience a loss. The member card application in Yogyakarta Baitul Muslim
Assidiq store is also appropriate with the Islamic business ethics and the
regulations of consumer protection in which the trading is conducted with
transparency and no party experiences a loss | en_US |
dc.publisher | FAI UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Member card, Islamic Business Ethics, Consumer Protection Regulations. Member Card, Etika Bisnis Islam, Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis
208 | en_US |