Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder characterized by positive, negative and cognitive symptoms that effect almost all aspects of mental activities including perception, attention, memory and also emotional. Schizophrenia is chronic and most patients will be disabled for the rest of their life. Schizophrenic patients will usually have a lower quality of life. At this moment clinicians feel that the decrease of symptoms through medication isn’t enough for the treatment of schizophrenia. Because of this, the standard for measuring success of therapy is through the quality of life. Studies have shown that a disturbance in social function will result in a decrease of quality of life. It is known that 80% of schizophrenic patients have a disturbance of social function. Because of that studies regarding social function and quality of life in schizophrenic patients is important.
Method : This study is an analytical observational study that uses a cross sectional method. Quality of life and social function of 106 schizophrenic patients were measured using Lehman and Personal’s interview of Quality of Life and Social Performance Scale. Sampling was done using consecutive sampling until 92 subjects were obtained. The data was then analyzed using Gamma Correlation.
Results : From 98 samples 64,3% had mild/no difficulties in social function (Score 71-100), 33% had difficulties in social funtion in various levels (Score 31-70) and 2% had severe difficulties in social function (Score ≤30). 15% had a high quality of life (Score 30-34), 80% had moderate quality of life (Score 15-29) an 5% had low quality of life (Score 0-14). Gamma correlation test showed p=0.001 (significant) where p<0.05 and r=0.759 which shows a strong correlation