Along with the quick development of bridge construction in Indonesia, the
role of work accident risk control is felt to be increasingly important. But in
reality the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management
System (SMK3) in general is still often overlooked. The bridge in general is a
construction that facilitates transportation routes through rivers, lakes, highways,
railways and others. Steel bridges material are made of steel and its construction
is considered in the needs of a splay can be in the form of a continuous frame or
propyl steel. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential for workplace
accidents in steel bridge projects. in this study use qualitative method with
research based on government regulations PU no. 05 of 2014 concerning
guidelines for occupational safety and health management systems (SMK3)
construction in public works. The results were 7 jobs with 20 activities and 55
occupational risk incidents at the steel frame bridge construction work. Types of
work accidents include health problems, accidents due to conditions, accidents
caused by the use of work tools that are wrong, injured irritation of eyes and
lungs and skin because not using personal protective equipment, accidents caused
by workers not using personal protective equipment according to standards, fall
or slip when reinforcing and rolling or casting, exposed to sparks during welding,
sparks when burning asphalt and injured because the distance between workers is
too close to accidentally injuring each other. The overall risk rating for
occupational hazards in steel bridge projects as a whole is 8.3 which is
categorized as "Medium Risk" and the highest potential for workplace accidents
is asphalt with an 8.5 scale which is categorized as "Medium Risk.