Vocabulary mastery is a basic skill that is needed by students in learning English.
Teaching vocabulary involves more than teaching the definition of technical or
unfamiliar words in text. In teaching vocabulary, special attention must be given not
only to single word but also to some word. The objectives of the research are (1) to
know what are the teacher’s strategies in improving students’ vocabulary at SMA
Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, and (2) to know what are the problems faced by
teachers’ in improving students’ vocabulary at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta.
The researcher used qualitative research design. To answer the research question, the
researcher conducted interview to three respondents of English teachers of SMA
Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta and then the researcher analyzed the data by using
coding. The findings of this research showed that the teachers had strategies in
improving students’ vocabulary. The strategies include giving illustration on how to
write and to pronounce the words, reminding and asking the students to repeat,
teaching with the context, asking the students to read text book, encouraging the
students to practice in the class, encouraging the students to read and talk at home,
teaching the important words, encourage students to use dictionary, encourage
students to memorize. Asking the students to listen and sing English song, and asking
the students to use multimedia. Related to the problems faced by the teacher in
improving students’ vocabulary at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, the problems
faced by the teachers were the students often forget new words, the students lack in
reading habit, pronunciation, and spelling,